FACE TO FACE is an art piece that is being exhibited at the event “Future Ennichi” at SPIRAL, sponsored by Mitsui Property Residential. Created around the concept of future summer festival, “Future Ennichi” is designed to be a space that connects people, and is expressed by twelve artists who interpret the theme in their own unique way. FACE TO FACE is a future mask shop, which uses morphing technology to gradually merge two facial photographs. A photo of yourself is merged with one of your lover, a family member or perhaps someone you just met at the venue, and then these images are displayed on a wall, giving you and everyone at the event a greater appreciation of the connection between people.
スパイラルガーデンで開催された、三井不動産レジデンシャル主催のアートイベント「フューチャー縁日」出展作品。フューチャー縁日は12組のアーティストが描いた縁と縁をつなぐ空間で、古くから親しまれてきた夏の風物詩を新しい視点で解釈した、未来の縁日をコンセプトにしています。 「FACE TO FACE」は、撮影した2人の顔がミックスされながら、じわじわと切り替わっていく、モーフィング技術を使用した未来のお面屋さん。恋人や家族、会場で出会った人々と自分の顔が混ざり合った、壁いっぱいに並ぶ沢山のお面は、人と人とのつながり(縁)をゆるやかに感じさせます。
Client: Mitsui Fudosan Contribution: Programming, System Design, Planning